Finding blood sugar balance - London Nutritionist - Angelique Panagos, DipION FdSc mBANT CNHC
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Finding blood sugar balance

Finding blood sugar balance

The media spotlight on sugar has opened many great conversations in recent years. It’s the single ingredient I’m asked most about in clinic and the one most people fear parting with!

As a nation, we’re succumbing to so many of its effects. The UK Diabetes rate has increased by 60% in the past decade alone. Diabetes being just one of the illnesses I reference in ‘Can I eat sugar and still be healthy?’ – a five-minute video I urge you to watch if you haven’t already.

To follow this, and help you break free from sugar reliance, I’m dedicating three new blog posts to sugar. We’ll start with blood sugar balance, before introducing you to insulin resistance and telling you more about Diabetes. So let’s begin…

Understanding sugar

There’s always a certain level of sugar, otherwise known as glucose, circulating through your bloodstream. This is the single most essential fuel used by your body, responsible for giving sustained energy and powering every cell, tissue, organ, muscle and limb.

By now you may be confused. We’ve opened with the negatives of sugar and now we’re saying it’s the most essential fuel. Read on to understand why. Spoiler alert: it’s all about the right type of sugar and finding balance!

A balancing act

Our bodies like to keep things consistent and use a number of efficient self-regulating mechanisms to do so. The main mechanism being insulin.

The hormone insulin acts as a messenger, allowing circulating sugar to enter the cells of the body where it’s used as fuel, enabling blood sugar to return to normal.

Signs of poor blood sugar regulation include:

  • Cravings, particularly for sweet food
  • Low energy & fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Regular yawning
  • A ‘foggy’ head
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings & irritability
  • Anxiety & depression
  • Tearfulness
  • Poor concentration & memory

So how and why does blood sugar regulation go wrong?

Carbohydrate foods, drinks and stress are by far the biggest triggers! Problems start to occur in diets based around sugary and refined foods, such as sweets, cakes, pastries, white bread, pasta and rice.

These foods rapidly release sugar into the bloodstream, resulting in sharp peaks to blood sugar levels. Regular peaks and troughs eventually take their toll, sending your body’s control mechanisms into disarray.

Reaching for a quick ‘pick me up’ in the form of a sugary snack, coffee or energy drink further compounds things. Your body may become so sensitive to changes in blood sugar that excess insulin is released, which causes blood sugar levels to crash below normal.

Added incentives to stop the blood sugar cycle…

Insulin also promotes fat storage! If you want to maintain weight loss, balanced blood sugar is key. Constantly elevated insulin causes insulin resistance, preventing sugar from entering cells and potentially leading to the development of adult onset diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

In fact, the long-term detrimental effects of sugar and fluctuating blood sugar levels is so far reaching that it can exert its influence on just about every system in the body. That’s everything from appetite control, hormone regulation, mental health and poor immunity, through to cardiovascular health and so much more.

6 steps to breaking the blood sugar cycle

As I said in the clip, it’s not always easy to break free from sugar. Yet you can do it! Let’s explore a few of the mentioned tips, along with a few extras.

1. Plan ahead:

How many times have you quickly grabbed a chocolate bar, sandwich or packet of crisps on the fly? Countless times, I bet! When our blood sugar levels plummet so do our healthy intentions and we reach for the first sugary snack in sight. Avoid temptation by planning ahead and knowing you have a smarter alternative.

2. Eat regularly:

This tip goes hand in hand with the above. The minute you skip meals or go hours between them, you’ll push yourself into the blood sugar crash. Nothing is more important than your health. Make time for three main meals a day and ensure they’re evenly spaced. By planning ahead, you’ll also have a great balancing snack on hand should you need it.

3. Avoid sugar:

Remember those tips from the clip? Read those ingredients labels and watch for sugar’s many names! Beware of anything that contains 22g of sugar per 100g, that houses multiple sugars, and/or that lists sugar towards the top of the ingredients list.

4. Favour whole foods:

Again, it’s all connected. By favouring whole foods, you’ll limit the number of added and hidden sugars you’re exposed to. And by ‘whole foods’ we mean ‘real foods’. An unrefined brown rice salad will be far more balancing than that pre-packed processed sandwich.

5. Eating good quality protein:

Good quality proteins – such as lean meats, fish, and unprocessed nuts, beans and pulses – should factor into each meal and snack. Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer, which means less of those blood sugar dips.

6. And be sure to include fibre:

Again, fibre fills you up with all the good stuff! Eat the rainbow and aim for at least your five a day (preferably 10)!

If you’re favouring whole foods this step shouldn’t be so hard.

Want more tips? We’ll dedicate our next Health Tribe mailing to this issue, so make sure your name’s on the list! Got questions or craving support? Be sure to get in touch. Together we can break the sugar cycle!


Nourishing well wishes,


Consult your doctor or health care practitioner for any health problems, and before embarking on any new health regimes, using any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications or food programmes.

Part of my work in clinic is to identity and address the root cause which is responsible for the symptoms a client is experiencing. The most common underlying condition I see is unbalanced hormones. Once I noticed that balancing hormones leads to the reduction of so many other symptoms, I knew I had to create a simple plan to help people understand and support their hormones.

Follow the plan


  1. Dear Angelique,

    Thanks for all the information and I find it very useful.

    • Hello Rose, my pleasure I am so pleased you are finding it useful. Warmest wishes, Angelique

  2. Thank you SO much Angelique for all your help, advice and recipes (SF Lemon Bars are fantastic!) I am a very active 65 year old who walks miles each week, does ballet classes, canoes and swims. I was diagnosed in Jan with Pre-Diabetes So have cut all added sugar out of my diet and am concentrating on a healthy diet. I have for a long time been Genetically Hypertensive and have high Cholesterol so even with my best efforts, I may not be able To prevent Diabetes – but will not give up! I am about 10lb overweight so have rejoined Weightwatchers -please keepthe News letters coming !!

  3. Thanks Angelique, so much good information and advice. We all know about high fat v low fat, seems to be the slimmers mantra, but sugar is the big problem, this is becoming increasingly obvious from reading your pages.

    I thought I knew just about everything about dieting and eating healthily, but I’m learning lots more from you

    • Hello Lynne,
      Thanks for your message and I am so pleased you are finding the information useful- great to hear!

      If you haven’t already, sign up to my newsletter for recipes, tips and recommendations as well as news about my upcoming book

      Warmest wishes,

  4. I’m going to try it I think it will be very hard as I love sugar to much I have like 4/6 cans a coke a day loads of chrips so I really want to do it

    • Hello Sarah, great to hear! Have a look at all the blogs I have posted about this.

      As you know those cans of coke & crisps are not doing your health any favours- but you are taking the right steps, you can do this!

      If you haven’t already join my social media health tribes for additional support and sign up to my newsletter for more recipes, tips and recommendations

      Keep me posted!

      Warmest wishes,

  5. Morning can you help with under active Thyriod ?, its a daily struggle with mental – physical fatigue , ‘brain fog’ , unable to lose weight and the gp says my levels are within normal range .

    • Hello Susan, I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this! I have an under active thyroid and know what you mean.

      Please get in touch to book a consultation to see how we can help

      Alternatively sign up to my newsletter as I have a blog in the works about thyroid health and a book on hormone balancing which discusses the thyroid in detail out in July

      Warmest wishes,

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